Let's make beautiful music together

We need your support

If you've found us, chances are pretty good you may have already met one of our pianos.  We’ve placed 25 so far with several others in various stages of development.  In order to achieve our vision of placing 88 pianos around Atlanta for all to enjoy, we need your help. 

While our pianos are free to the public, they are not free for us to install and maintain and every single dollar helps.  So, please, lend your support by making a contribution today.

Some of our expenses include

  • Paying professionals or renting trucks or trailers to move the pianos.
    (Each piano needs to be moved 4 times, donor to storage, storage to artist, artist to host location, end of life removal).

  • Piano tuning and minor repair.
    We do A LOT of piano tuning. Our goal is to tune each piano quarterly. Along with minor repairs that’s $1000 per piano per year.

  • Storage fees for donated pianos on hand.

  • Working toward the goal of having a warehouse / studio space so we can keep some pianos on hand and have a place for the artists to paint.

We're a registered 501(c)(3) charity and contributions are fully tax deductible.

Join our mailing list

We want to keep you updated. Subscribe to our email newsletter and we'll let you know about new pianos, special events and tell you about some of the people we encounter who are passionate about spreading the joy of music. Joining our list is the simplest way that you can help us bring this vision to life!

Note:  Our storage unit is full and we're only accepting good condition studio size vertical pianos at this time.  A studio piano ranges from about 45" to 48" in height when measured from the floor to the top.  (A studio piano is NOT a full upright.)  If you have a studio size piano, please click the "DONATE A PIANO" button and complete the form.  Thank you!